Monday, November 26, 2012

Art is not just PRETTY

Inspiration arrived today.  As if out of nowhere.  Okay it did come directly from somewhere.  I am sure Sue designed her final art class with this it mind.  Today was the culmination of many weeks of rumination.  The use of word association, brought a day of discussion and fresh ideas.  With listening arrived new understanding and I was able to feel free for the first time to search and see. I have finally found some inspiration as to my final piece.  Today's lecture really helped bring out some artistic ideas.  It showed the importance of allowing individuals to gather ideas with freedom and with a sense of openness. No censorship was allowed.  Until now I was toying with Green art and recycled materials, however today after stumbling on a video called "Midway" that showcased the plastics found in  thousands of dead marine birds. A little spark of creation began. The you tube clip below talks about how much waste is thrown into the ocean each hour and in particular plastics.  If our marine birds are dying from plastic then certainly too must other marine creatures.  Chris Jordan has taken thousands of photographs of dead albatross whose stomachs are full of plastics.  Bottle tops, pen lids, soy sauce bottles, pendants,  lighters and so much more that is not food.  It all  makes its way into the stomachs and feeding patterns of these unsuspecting birds; it was sad to realise that they feed the plastic to their young not realising that it is not a food source. The plastics then cause the perishing of these birds as they are unable to digested or passed through their bodies. If it could we would be hit often by small fast flying plastic missiles, which would be a quick way to put a stop to the needless littler creation and pollution of plastics.

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