Monday, November 26, 2012

Art reaches INside YOU

In less than a millisecond Chris Jordan's environmental art makes a massive impact and a confronting statement about the way we are polluting the earth and the animals that live on it.  To write a book that impacted in this magnitude would no doubt take hours to read.  It would be filled with endless heartache, romance, drama and all that goes along with the ebb and flow of life. Chris Jordan's environmental art gives gives rise to an emotional response immediately.  At first I was quite disgusted by the images of dead birds with their bellies full of plastic.  I had thought to myself, "Why would someone put all those plastics inside a dead bird and call it art?". Only after reading did I realise that the someone was "me" and every person who forgets to ensure that they are responsible with the plastics that they purchase and dispose of in our every single day lives.
Midway: Message from the Gyre holds a powerful message.  It speaks volumes as to the affect of our waste and pollution on all life on this planet.  We  must plan better on how to reduce, recycle, rectify and re-use plastics.  Plastic never becomes anything other than plastic.  Even in its smallest molecular structure it is still molecules of plastic.  Unlike canvas, wood, paper, leaves and so many other consumables plastic never decomposes back into the earth.  It leaves its plastic mark on everything and within everything.

 The sketch on the left is my first plan of how I will set about using animals and plastics to mimic the work that Chris Jordan has published. The concept is to use the outer elements of the animal in sketch black and white.  It is an attempt to give a stark contrast between the natural beauty of the animal and the man made plastics that become their demise.  The plastics in their array of colours and shapes will be glued to the piece where the body of the animal would normally be. This is my first sense of excitement about projecting and idea into an art form.

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