Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Art can be trial and error 2

Attempt 1 - acrylic 
Attempt 2 - modelling clay
After completing Alby Mangle's beak (this is the name that my university friends have given my albatross). I started to paint his head, neck and back of his body with white acrylic.  Using a brush of medium thickness I applied the paint on quite thickly and practised small curved strokes that would appear textured and hopefully feathery.  I was delighted with the outcome.  Imagine my surprise when I left Alby to dry and returned to discover that the acrylic has dried flat and was completely glossy and without texture. It was that exact moment that I remembered discussions in class about creating texture using gesso.  So another trip to the paint shop, but instead of gesso I found white modelling paste that I would use instead as it was the less expensive option. Price becomes a design element when you are at university.

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