Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Art is sometimes accidental

Today I stumbled upon a new techniques.  The first was that I did not have colour in acrylic paints, so I decided to mix my oil colours up to produce the skin colour look of the bottom layer of his beak.  After painting, I realised I had used all of the white oil paints and I needed to tint the top beak with more white so that it was lighter and a little softer.  As I looked around my room which is beginning to resemble a garbage dump of its own accord I spotted a large bottle of white acryclic paint and decided to use that to tint my oil colour for the beak.  The effect was very interesting. The oil and acrylic did not mix at all, but the thickness of the oil paint became textured spots of colours through the white acrylic.  As I used this on the canvas I noticed that it created a perfect amount of uneven tint through the top beak which was very much the effect I was looking for.  Trial and error or a complete fluke, it is definitely true that art is a singular creation sometimes well planned and sometimes accidental.

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